We’re School Insiders
School Insiders provides free, detailed profiles of Canadian Colleges and languages schools. The site evaluates schools relative to each other and provides several key criteria like location, DLI and average tuition. School Insiders can be particularly helpful for students who are looking and need to evaluate several potential Canadian institutions to continue with their academic training.

School Insiders was founded from the belief that students should have access to more complete information regarding one of the most important (and expensive) decisions they'll ever make. To get students that information, we collect, compile, analyze and disseminate reviews of public and private Colleges and language schools.
Our reviews are made by people directly related to the learning institution
School Profiles
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Our People
School Insiders is commited to transparency.
We make sure to verify the integrity of the reviews that are published on our website, ensuring the veracity of the information provided.

Our reviews are made by people directly related to the learning institution, be it graduates, current students or staff members, ensuring you have a real notion of the learning institution.